About Cris`s English School クリスの英語教室

【Employment status】

full-time employee



270,000 yen / monthly salary


【Working hours / days of the week】

Tuesday to Saturday 13:30-20:30


【Vacation / holiday】

Closed on  Sundays, Mondays and holidays. Long vacations such as Obon, New Year, Golden Week, etc.


【Work location】


71 Yamake cho, Yokkaichi City, Mie



7 minutes walk from Oyachi Station on Sangi Line


Transportation expenses

Health insurance

Relocation support – semi furnished apartment in the center of the city. No key money needed

Health insurance



What to expect:

Typical responsibilities include: Conducting English classes, collaborating on the development of teaching materials, helping to plan and participate in school events and activities.

The teacher and the owner switch week by week. There is only one teacher leading a class for a given week. So for example, if there are 4 Mondays in a month, the teacher will teach the class the 1st week and 3rd week while the owner will go the 2nd and 4th week. Students will get to know both teachers equally since there is no assistant teacher.

Class Size: You can expect class sizes to be between 2-6 students. Our classes have a maximum capacity of 6 students.




  • 合計求人数 0 Jobs
  • 住所 71 Yamake-cho, Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, Japan
  • 業種 教育、講師
  • 勤務地

    71 Yamake-cho, Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, Japan


[email protected]