System engineer(PM/PL, PG,infrastructure)4M-7M

Job Expired

Job Overview

  • 採用企業タイプ 人材紹介・派遣・委託
  • 業種 インターネット
  • 給与 ¥4,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / 年 (月収33.3万円~58.3万円)
  • 英語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 日本語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 国内の応募者に限定? 国内在住応募者のみ
  • ビザスポンサーシップ


Japanese Level: Business intermediate level~ (No qualifications required) *Interviews will be conducted in Japanese. Please prepare application documents in Japanese.

(Even if you have 2 years of experience, we will positively consider you depending on the content of your experience.)

(We will positively consider applicants with as little as 2 years of experience, depending on the nature of their experience.

We are looking for candidates with at least 3 years of experience in software and application development as an IT engineer (2 years or so may be considered depending on experience).

Advantageous Skills / Experience 

  • Experience in management (programming experience, PL, PL, Python, etc.)

(Programming experience, PL, PM, PdM experience, system operation and maintenance experience, or management experience)



■IT エンジニアとしてソフトウェアやアプリケーション開発の実務経験が 3 年以上ある方(2 年程度でもご経験の内容次第で積極的に選考します)


・プロジェクトで多く利用している言語は Java,Javascript、PHP や Python などがあります。




(プログラム経験、PL、PM、PdM 経験、システム運用保守経験、マネジメント経験のいずれか、もしくは複数のご経験値がある方)


Our company is entrusted with various processes from requirement definition to operation and maintenance.

More than 80% of our work is done as prime contractors, which enables us to consistently gain experience in upstream and downstream processes, which is important for improving one's skills as an engineer.

In the future, you will not only be active as a core member of the field, but will also be actively involved in job rotations, including those in our own product divisions, in line with our philosophy of placing importance on the career development of engineers.

In addition, although our working style is mainly to be stationed at the customer's site, we always have a day to return to the office once a month and provide an opportunity to communicate with all employees as a company.

Therefore, the team is strongly connected, and when there is a problem in the field, we can consult with each other and get a bird's eye view of our own technology.

In Detail

After being assigned to a project site, projects are basically carried out in teams of 5 to 10 engineers.

In order to ensure that each engineer's voice is reflected in his or her career, our sales staff and supervisors visit the project site once a week to conduct interviews.

We have an environment where you can feel free to discuss not only career-related issues, but also any concerns or problems you may have.

◎Examples of projects (Note: We have many projects that are 100% directly contracted by major domestic companies such as Softbank, Recruit, and AIJ).

  • Development and maintenance of front-end and back-end systems for telecommunications companies
  • Large-scale internal system development for a major service company
  • System operation and maintenance for a major retailer
  • Development and maintenance of web comic apps
  • Development and maintenance of healthcare consumer applications
  • Infrastructure design and construction for video distribution services




当社は元請け案件が 8 割を超え、エンジニアとしてのスキルアップとして重要な上流工程~下流工程の経験を一貫して積むことが可能です。





プロジェクト先へ配属した後は、基本的には 5~10 名のチーム体制でプロジェクトを進行。

エンジニア一人ひとりの声をしっかりとキャリアへ反映するため、週に 1 回のペースで営業・上司がプロジェクト先に訪問、面談を行っています。


◎プロジェクト例【ソフトバンクやリクルート、AIJ といった国内でも大手企業の 100%直請け案件を多数プロジェクトにもっています】




・Web 漫画アプリの開発・保守





  • This job has expired!


[email protected]