【China Offshore Development Bridge SE System Engineer】Works at Kobe Head Office, Chinese foreign nationals welcome, Visa support available


Job Overview

  • 採用企業タイプ 人材紹介・派遣・委託
  • 業種 インフォメーションテクノロジー
  • 給与 ¥4,000,000 - ¥7,000,000 / 年
  • 英語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 日本語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • その他の言語 Chinese native spealker
  • 国内の応募者に限定? 国内在住応募者のみ
  • ビザスポンサーシップ Yes


■Job Requirements■
– Someone with JLPT Level 2 Japanese language ability or higher(MUST be able to adequately communicate in the workplace and understand work responsibilities in Japanese)– This position is needed to be the one who lives in Japan at the moment, no acceptable apply from overseas


・Chinese native level / Japanese business level

・More than 3 years of practical experience in designing and developing web systems

・Experience in upstream processes such as requirements definition and basic design

・Experience in programming and implementing web systems


[Welcome (WANT)]

・Those with experience in building and operating AWS environments

・Those who have development experience in a serverless environment

・Person with project leader or management experience

・Experience in analyzing and defining requirements with customers


[Image of the person you are looking for]

・Those who are interested in project management and project promotion as a project leader

・Those who can build relationships of trust with clients by leveraging their own listening, proposal, and problem-solving skills.

・Those who have a strong interest in new technology and are able to constantly collect information, conduct research on their own, and improve their skills.

・Those who can proactively create and work on their own work without being passive.

・Those who can communicate smoothly with members and build relationships of trust

・A person who can work with project members to identify issues faced in progress and development, and consider and promote countermeasures and guidelines.


Basically, hmainly responsible for managing the overall web application development, coordinating requirements with customers, acting as a bridge with the Chinese development origin, and designing, mainly in the role of bridge system engineer. Responsible for managing the entire development process up to release. This is a position where you can utilize your PL/PM experience. We entrust some of the programming and implementation to our affiliated company in Shanghai.


  • Project management of new development projects and customer negotiations
  • Requirement definition, design, and development of new services and new functions
  • Development instructions to engineers at the Chinese development base
  • Redesign of existing services and addition of functions
  • Creation of test specifications and instructions to testers
  • Release work, post-release operation and maintenance

【Development environment】

For serverless engineers

Development language: Python, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js

Framework: Django



Infrastructure: AWS SAM, Lambda, API Gateway, etc.


For web engineers

Development language: PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js

*For development languages, it is possible if you have experience with web-based development languages.

Frameworks: Laravel, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter



Infrastructure: Development in so-called LAMP configuration, AWS





[email protected]