PHP web application engineer – JLPT N2 or better required


Job Overview

  • 採用企業タイプ 人材紹介・派遣・委託
  • 業種 インフォメーションテクノロジー
  • 給与 ¥4,200,000 - ¥7,000,000 / 年
  • 英語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 日本語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 国内の応募者に限定? 国内在住応募者のみ
  • ビザスポンサーシップ Yes


  • Someone with JLPT Level 2 Japanese language ability or higher (MUST be able to adequately communicate in the workplace and understand work responsibilities in Japanese)
  • This position is needed to be the one who lives in Japan at the moment, no acceptable apply from overseas.

Necessary Technical Skills

  • Linux experience (distribution not required)
  • More than 3 years of PHP experience (no version required)
  • Experience using PHP frameworks (regardless of type)
  • Process experience from detailed design to integration test (documentation, etc. Test code is not required)
  • More than 3 years of experience using MySQL

Advantageous Skills

  • Basic design process experience (screen design, DB design, etc.)
  • Experience with ubuntu
  • Experience with Symfony or Laravel
  • AWS knowledge (EC2, RDS, ECS, EKS)
  • CI/CD


[Typical Day]  Example

・9:30 Arrive at work - Check emails and decide on tasks for the day.
・10:00 Customer meeting - In order to hear about new development projects, you will go to the customer's site together with the sales representative.
・11:00 Document creation - Summarize the contents of interviews with customers into materials and create materials for proposals.
・12:00 Lunch Break
・13:00 Internal meetings
・13:00 Internal meeting - Check the progress of ongoing development projects.
・14:00 Leader meeting - Gather project team leaders and share details of on-site problems and future management goals.
・15:00 Project review - Review issues that have been escalated in ongoing projects.
・16:00 Adjustment work - Based on the progress and outlook of the project, we will proactively make necessary adjustments.
・17:00 Document creation - To the extent possible, we will attend to the important tests of the project, such as the test of the entire system before delivery, to check the quality.
・18:00 Leaving office

[Working style]
Remote work is the norm, but in the case of meetings and work in the production environment (release etc.), it is necessary to go to the site (frequency: 2 or 3 times / month).  We plan to work remotely permanently.

[Work/communication tools/devices]

・Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Chat, Google Meet, Zoom, Webex, etc.
・Loan: Windows PC


・Qualification acquisition support system
・Continue service award
・In-house special award
・Training system
・Can work in plain clothes (business casual)
・In-house events and club activities

*There are many bowling clubs and baseball clubs.

Expenses for company-approved club activities are paid by the company






[email protected]