JOBS IN JAPAN was started in June of 1998 by American James Gibbs, who had been living and working in Japan in intermittently since 1985.
The initial idea to create a “guidebook” to living and working in Japan and James had compiled a lengthy list of 300-400 schools that had been hiring and found himself constantly making photo copies to give to newly arriving foreigners who were looking for work. Additionally hours would be spent in coffee shops, restaurants and over the phone explaining the ropes to new arrivals on what they needed to do for all sorts of things from finding a place to live, finding a job, getting a visa, socializing, local customs, etc.
In 1998, the 567-page Guide to Jobs in Japan was published receiving wide praise and scores of direct personal testimony from people saying the book was instrumental in finding their job in Japan and changing their lives.
James also took to the internet in 1998 creating and moving all the information to the web. The job listings expanded and within a couple of years there were as many as 500 job listings on the site.
JOBS IN JAPAN was unique among major sources of job listings in that it was an entirely free service to use for employers and job seekers surviving only on paid banner advertising and then value-added listing for employers that wanted more exposure.
With job seekers and employers demanding more functionality, we compiled their advice and relaunched the site as you see it today. Always free for the job seekers and reasonable……may we say “cheap”…..rates for our employers allowing for a wide variety of jobs.
Now some 20 years later, we are still focusing on our initial mission of helping foreigners find Jobs in Japan.