About G Talent at Bizmates, Inc.

Recruitment Agency for Foreign IT talents in Japan

G Talentは、ビジネス特化型オンライン英会話のビズメイツが運営する日本に住む外国人IT人材やバイリンガル日本人向けの人材紹介サービスです。サービス名の “G” は “Global” を意味し、国籍を超えた多様な人材(Talent)が日本国内で活躍できるよう転職を支援いたします。
G Talent は、今よりもっと多くの外国人ITプロフェッショナルやバイリンガル日本人が活躍できる場を提供することを通じて、企業の成長並びに日本経済の発展に貢献してまいります。


G Talent is an IT recruitment service for foreign IT talents and Japanese bilingual operated by Bizmates, online business English school in Japan. The “G” stands for “Global” and we specialize in placing international IT talent in jobs that allow them to thrive and grow in Japan.
As technology continues to drive the business world forward, G Talent aims to stimulate growth, create opportunities, and bolster the Japanese economy by fusing the talents of foreign IT talents and bilingual Japanese IT talents with Japanese businesses.

Please feel free to contact us below if you want to change your career and you have tech skills or language skills.

Company Information

  • Total Jobs 0 Jobs
  • Address Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
  • Location

    Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan

Contact Us

Tokyo Office
C/O Global Village Media
1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[email protected]