W-Power Association LLC logo

W-Power Association LLC

About W-Power Association LLC

After-school learning Shimomaruko & Playgroup Osaki, Gotanda are international preschools/After-school providing kids space and English lessons.
Our mission is “Bright future to all kids in Japan”. Our curriculum is based on “Creative Curriculum” from US to encourage kid’s creativity and self development.

W-Power Association LLC has 1 job available

Company Information

  • Total Jobs 1 Jobs
  • Address Japan, Tokyo, 大田区下丸子4-17-19-2F
  • Location

    Japan, Tokyo, 大田区下丸子4-17-19-2F

Contact Us

Tokyo Office
C/O Global Village Media
1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[email protected]