About Walk Japan

Walk Japan is the pioneering operator of walking tours of Japan. We specialise in only one country and, since 1992, have been providing the best planned, the best led and most fulfilling and enjoyable guided and self-guided tours available in Japan.

We are skilled at unveiling many aspects of Japan during the course of our tours. This expertise is rooted in study trips run by two Hong Kong University academics, for their students of Japanese history and Japanese social geography. These study trips developed into Walk Japan’s tours, since when we have taken many tens of thousands of people from around the world to beautiful and interesting areas of Japan, many little known, that are otherwise difficult to access and fully appreciate.

All Walk Japan staff have long associations with Japan and hold a great affinity and commitment to the country and its people. We are also keenly aware of the need for the responsible and sustainable development of Japan’s tourism resources.

We also take our responsibilities in tourism into our working environment, with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusiveness. We are a multi-national group of over one hundred colleagues spread throughout Japan and the rest of the world. All our senior staff and nearly all our middle management have been promoted from within the company. Tellingly, many of our colleagues have remained with us over many years and happily recommend us to their friends as a respectful and decent company to work at, one that encourages and supports everyone to work well and know that they can rely on each other, develop skills and find new potential within themselves.



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