IT Help Desk at a foreign multinational company – No experience necessary (Osaka / Ibaraki)

Job Expired

Job Overview

  • 採用企業タイプ 人材紹介・派遣・委託
  • 業種 電気 / 電気設備, エネルギー / ユーティリティ / 廃棄物管理, エンジニアリング
  • 給与 ¥260,000 - ¥370,000 / 月
  • 英語レベル 特に必要無し
  • 日本語レベル ビジネスレベル
  • 国内の応募者に限定? 国内在住応募者のみ
  • ビザスポンサーシップ


  • One or more years of working experience
  • Ability to use a computer on the job (regardless of job type such as customer service, sales, office work, sales, etc.)

Welcome Skills / Experience

  • English skills (reading, writing, and daily conversation level *No work experience required)
  • Japanese language skills equivalent to N1




We are looking for a Helpdesk Manager to join our team. We have a support system in place for those with no help desk experience, including basic help desk training of approximately 3 days to 1 week and on-the-job training at the site, taking into account your past experience!

Job Description

  • Account management (registration, deletion, modification, response to inquiries, periodic maintenance for organizational changes)
  • Incident management (handling, isolation, and escalation of general inquiries related to IT)
  • Request management (response to requests for various types of applications, progress management)
  • Software management (support application inquiries, business system registration, deletion, modification, and escalation)
  • Hardware management (setup, software installation, installation, operation verification, and vendor repair requests for PCs, mobile devices, and peripherals)
  • Inventory management (IT equipment asset management, inventory control, inventory operations, disposal of consumables, software license management, IT equipment order requests)
  • Fault handling (network equipment support, fault reception, L2 reporting, internal announcements (from occurrence to completion)
  • IT training for users (training, creation of educational content materials)
  • Event response (operation verification prior to event response, large-scale replacement of supported equipment, annual IT asset inventory)

We have a background that has grown by specializing in helpdesk services, so we are able to propose services to our clients from a neutral, vendor-independent standpoint. We aim to provide IT support with "zero" inquiries from customers. The company has a strong belief that high customer satisfaction is born from the satisfaction of employees, and has created an organization centered on "challenge" and "innovation.

We believe that we are not only supporting IT, but also supporting the "business" of our global clients, and we are looking for a person with a strong background in IT support and call center operations. We are a full-service IT support and call center company. Our staff members come from all walks of life, including former salespeople and former food and beverage workers, but they all share a common desire to "fit the customer better". With a positive mindset of "creating a better environment", we will create the best possible environment with our supportive colleagues.

Assumed annual salary: Approximately 3,170,000 yen to 3,700,000 yen
Monthly salary: 221,800 yen to 243,000 yen (including a flat regional allowance) + overtime pay
Assumed overtime: 0-5 hours per month (varies depending on busy season)
*Transportation expenses will be paid separately
*Preferential treatment based on our company's regulations, taking into consideration your experience, ability, and skills

Work hours
8:30 - 17:30 hrs
*Saturdays and Sundays off
(Work on national holidays will result in taking compensatory day off during the month)

Trial period
3 months Working conditions are the same as the regular employment.

Vacations and Vacations
Paid vacations, flex holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, congratulation, condolence, special maternity/paternity/paternity leave, nursing care leave, child care leave, etc.

Social insurance (unemployment insurance, employee pension, health insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance, and nursing care insurance)

Benefits and Welfare
■Various social insurances (unemployment insurance, employee pension, health insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance, and nursing care insurance)
■Defined contribution pension plan (401K)
■Privileges to use sports clubs / ITS travel packages / Subsidies to use contracted recreation facilities (available at partner facilities nationwide, including famous amusement facilities and lodging facilities)
■PERSOL Group benefits Benefits (overseas and domestic travel, restaurants, leisure, school attendance, sports, shopping, discounts for childcare and nursing care, etc./household chores, etc.)
■Retirement age: 60

■Full overtime allowance
■Full transportation expenses paid
■Retirement allowance system

Assumed work location
Matsushita-cho, Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture (customer location) JR Kyoto Line: Ibaraki Station, Sojiji Station (10 minutes by bus/ 20 minutes on foot)





■同社の魅⼒同社は現在拡⼤を続けているため、将来的に様々なポジション・キャリアパスが⾒込めます。ITをサポートするだけではなく、グローバルに活躍している法⼈の 「ビジネス」を⽀えるという信念のもと、ITサポートやコールセンター運⽤を通じ、顧客のビジネスにかかわるITソリューションの活⽤について、提案から運営まで⼿がけています。元営業や元飲⾷業等、前職もさまざまなスタッフが多く活躍している同社ですが、共通するのが「もっとお客様に満⾜してほしい」という想いです。顧客の役に⽴つため、⾃らの知識もスキルも磨きつづけ、「よりよい環境を⽣み出そう」とする前向きな考え⽅をもって、助けてくれる仲間と最良の環境をつくっていきます。



3ヶ月 労働条件は本採用と同じです。

【休日・休暇】≪年間休日120日以上≫完全週休2日制※祝日は配属先に準ずる    有給休暇フレックス休日年末年始慶弔特別産前産後育児休暇介護・子の看護休暇など


【福利厚生】■各種社会保険完備(雇用保険・厚生年金・健康保険・労災保険・介護保険)■確定拠出年金(401K)■スポーツクラブ利用特典/ITS旅行パック/契約保養所利用補助(有名アミューズメント施設/宿泊施設など全国の提携施設にて利用可能)■パーソルグループ福利厚生(海外国内旅行・レストラン・レジャー・スクール受講・スポーツ・ショッピング・育児介護などの割引/家事代行など)■定年 60歳【諸手当】■時間外勤務手当 全額支給■交通費全額支給■退職金制度


大学院卒 大学卒 専門卒 高卒 中卒

【配属先】◇大阪府茨木市松下町(お客様先) JR京都線:茨木駅・総持寺駅 (バス10分/徒歩20分



  • This job has expired!



私たち株式会社ユウダイヒューマニティーは、日本で言われている「三方よし... 株式会社雄大ヒューマニティ―
  • This job has expired!


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