Job Overview
- Employer Type Recruiter / Dispatch / Temp Agency
- Industry Internet
- Salary ¥4,500,000 - ¥6,000,000 / Year
- English Level Business Level
- Japanese Level Business Level
- Other Languages ベトナム語 ビジネスレベル
- Restricted to Domestic Applicants? Japan only
- Visa Sponsorship Yes
Job Requirements
- Experience developing Android applications for business use using Java or Kotlin (1 year or more)
- Beginner's level of Japanese business
In addition to the above experience, experience in one of the following
- Experience developing with AndroidStudio
- Understanding and hands-on experience with Android SDK
- Experience in Android application development using HTTP communication
- Experience in Android app development using HTTP communication
- Experience in iOS (Objectice-C, Swift) development
- Experience in Android tablet development
- Experience in server development using Java and C#
- Store release experience on either Windows/iOS/Android platforms
- Experience in designing API interfaces and working with server-side teams in charge of API development
- Experience in development on multiple platforms, or those who want to take on this challenge in the future
- Experience with unit testing and automated testing
- Experience with continuous integration (CI)
- Experience in project management or team leadership
- Business level of Vietnamese
- Java を用いた業務用 Android アプリの開発経験 または Kotlin を用いた業務用 Android アプリの開発経験(1年以上)
- 日本語ビジネス初級
- AndroidStudio での開発経験
- Android SDK の理解と実践経験
- HTTP 通信を用いた Android アプリ開発の経験
- iOS(Objectice-C、Swift)の開発経験
Android タブレットの開発経験 - Java、C#を用いたサーバー開発経験
- Windows/iOS/Android のいずれかのプラットフォームでのストアリリース経験
- API のインタフェース設計、API 開発を担当するサーバサイドチームとの連携・複数のプラットフォームでの開発経験、もしくは今後チャレンジしたい方
- ユニットテスト、自動テストの経験
- 継続的インテグレーション(CI)の経験
- プロジェクトマネジメントまたはチームリーダー経験
- ベトナム語ビジネスレベル
Job Description
The successful candidate will be responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the Android version of our service moconavi, from design to implementation, testing and release.
Specific duties
- New development and improvement (including new features, proposals, and specification reviews)
- Performance tuning and bug handling
- Investigating and responding to inquiries from customers.
- Technical verification for new services
- Depending on your experience, you may be asked to participate in in-house coordination of requirements and specifications, or to participate in UI/UX studies.
Development Structure
Development is carried out in teams of four to five members per team, with the leader playing a central role.
Each task is subdivided into tickets, and each team member makes his or her own plan for the amount of tasks to be completed on a given day, allowing them to work with a high degree of freedom and without being tied down by time.
In addition, we have a system that allows us to visualize the tasks being performed and their progress so that we can quickly identify performance and problem areas.
Services we provide
<Safe teleworking with “moconavi,” a service that turns your current location into an office! > moconavi
moconavi is a telework platform that provides secure access to various in-house systems from smart devices.
It supports flexible work styles of companies with its high security and operability that allows you to work comfortably as if you were in the office even when you are out of the office.
You will be assigned to the Application Development Team in the Development Department (26 members in total). The application team is divided into iOS and Android and has 7 members.
Monthly salary 375,000-
Basic salary 269,461- Including fixed overtime pay of 105,539-/month
*This will be determined after taking into consideration your experience and previous annual salary.
Average overtime hours: 20-30 hours (7 hours and 30 minutes actual work, so actually 10-20 hours)
Career Image
We will flexibly respond to your wishes, such as tech lead, project manager, engineering manager, life-long programmer specialist, product manager, and so on.
We will not limit your role to a specific technology, although you will work on your specialty first.
If you are willing to take on challenges on your own initiative, you can do so with discretion regardless of your age or experience.
You can also participate in specification reviews and be involved in UI and UX reviews!
自社サービスの moconavi の Android 版アプリの開発、運用保守を設計〜実装〜テスト、リリースまで担当いただきます。
※経験に応じて社内での要件、仕様の調整にも参加や、UI/UX の検討にも参加していただくことも可能です。
開発は 1 チーム 4〜5 名体制チーム制で、リーダーを中心に動いています。
月給 375,000〜 基本給\269,461〜 固定
※平均残業時間 20〜30 時間 (実働 7 時間 30 分なので実際は 10〜20 時間程度)
<今いる場所がオフィスになる moconavi (モコナビ)で安全なテレワーク!>
moconavi は、スマートデバイスから社内の様々なシステムへ安全にアクセスするためのテレワークプラットフォーム。
デベロップメント部(全員で 26 名)アプリ開発チームへ配属となります。アプリチームは、iOS と Android に分かれており、7 名が在籍しています。
仕様検討の場へ参加、UI、UX の検討に携わっていただくことも可能です!!