Ruby Engineer – Full Scratch Development, 4.5M-8.6M, free dress, hybrid work ~.

Job Expired

Job Overview

  • Employer Type Recruiter / Dispatch / Temp Agency
  • Industry Internet
  • Salary ¥4,500,000 - ¥8,600,000 / Year
  • English Level Business Level
  • Japanese Level Business Level
  • Restricted to Domestic Applicants? Japan only
  • Visa Sponsorship Yes

Job Requirements

  • 3+ years of experience in web development using Ruby (Rails)
  • Japanese business intermediate level or above

Welcome Skills and Experience

  • Agile development experience
  • Experience as a development leader
  • Experience in requirement definition and functional design

・Ruby(Rails)使ったWeb開発経験 3年以上


Job Description

We are looking for a Web Engineer who wants to challenge full-scratch scrum development!

This position belongs to the Digital Service Development Div. This team specializes in full-scratch development centered on React, Rails, and AWS, and basically participates in projects from the launch of services.

We start with discussions with clients and in-house designers on what features are needed, and are involved in everything from interviews to requirement definition, design, implementation, release, and operation.

Our team vision is "to be a team that continues to change the world with our high technology and sophisticated manufacturing structure" and we are working on the following

We design and develop projects for new business launches and projects that require DX, with 100% direct and in-house development.

Specific Tasks

  • Client communication
  • Coordination of each task is basically carried out by each member of the team.
  • Requirement definition and design
  • Development
  • Code review
  • Testing (including implementation of automated testing)
  • Release
  • Scrum Events

Basically, the technology used is selected by our CTO, and we provide a full range of services, from high-speed agile development of prototypes that can be touched and run to operation. Many of these services are highly socially-contributing, edgy, and extremely diverse in their fields and domains.

4,500,000 yen - 8,600,000 yen per year
■Monthly salary: 302,500 yen - 550,000 yen( Of the above, estimated overtime: 57,500 yen - 105,000 yen)
*Regardless of whether or not overtime is worked, 30 hours will be paid as overtime allowance
*All overtime hours in excess of 30 hours will be paid in full addition
*Average overtime: 15 hours per month Average overtime: 15 hours/month
*Remote allowance of 5,000 yen/month is provided.

■PJ Case Study

Education: TAO (The Admissions Office), a newly developed application platform for Japanese and Asian universities and colleges based on the global standard application platform, is a joint development project in which we are in charge of UIUX design, development, and marketing.

TAO has been adopted by Waseda University, Keio University, and other well-known universities.

Environment:Mitsubishi Corporation Fashion Ecommerce development for the next generation sustainable D2C project "NAGIE", including development using Shopify and customer support design and construction using Hubspot.

Local development: In charge of developing a replacement voice communication platform to connect local governments and residents in place of disaster prevention radio systems. Currently several municipalities have introduced the platform and are starting demonstration tests.

Healthcare: UIUX design and development of "Asuyaku LIFE Training," a platform for centralized management of pharmacist data for the purpose of collaboration between pharmacies and between hospitals and pharmacies, collaboration and cooperation among pharmacists, and improving public recognition of pharmacists.



当ポジションはDigital Service Development Div.の所属となります。このチームはReact / Rails / AWSを中心にフルスクラッチの開発を得意としており、案件にも基本的にサービス立ち上げから参画します。


また、Team Visionとして「高い技術力と洗練されたものづくりの仕組みによって、世の中を変え続けるチームとなる」 を掲げ、以下のようなことに取り組んでいます。



・テスト (自動テスト実装も含む)



教育:世界標準の願書出願プラットフォームをベースに日本やアジアの大学・専門学校向けに新しく開発を行なった「The Admissions Office(略称:TAO)」。UIUXデザイン、開発、マーケティングまで担当している共同開発事業。



環境:三菱商事ファッション 次世代型サステナブルD2Cプロジェクト「NAGIE」のEC開発。Shopifyを使った開発に加えHubspotでのカスタマーサポートの設計構築。


医療:薬局間、病院・薬局間での連携や、薬剤師同士の連携・協力、薬剤師の一般人への認知向上を目的とした薬剤師データの一元管理を叶えるプラットフォーム「アスヤクLIFE 研修」のUIUXデザイン、開発と担当。



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Company Information

Company Profile

Provide Opportunities to People Around the Globe Jellyfish Group’s main fields are language education and the recruitment of international talents. We offer comprehensive support from the Japanese language and overseas education in Asian countries, to... read more about JELLYFISH, INC
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Contact Us

Tokyo Office
C/O Global Village Media
1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[email protected]