Freelance Writers for Jobs in Japan
Job Expired

Job Overview

  • Employer Type Direct Hire
  • Industry Human Resources / Recruitment
  • Salary ¥7,500 / Not Applicable (Done on a per article basis based on experience)
  • English Level Native level
  • Japanese Level Basic Level
  • Restricted to Domestic Applicants? Overseas applicants allowed
  • Visa Sponsorship No

Job Requirements

What are the MINIMUM job requirements and preferred qualifications

  • Native Level English Language
  • A unique or engaging writing ability
  • Understanding of SEO optimized writing
  • Conversational or better Japanese ability
  • Previous writing experience is highly preferred
  • Must be currently living in Japan

Job Description

Write For Jobs in Japan

Started in 1998, Jobs in Japan has been a key resource for expats working in Japan. Our goal is to provide the best work opportunities to foreigners living in and Japan.

To help more people and give our audience the benefit of many successful expats experiences here, we are looking for freelance writers to provide consistent, seo optimized content for our blog.

Specifically for this position we are looking for talented business writers who can write on topics related to working in Japan, Japanese corporate culture, Japanese business practises, etc.

We are not looking for anyone employed as an English teacher and we are interested in talking with candidates who have experience working at a corporate level.
Job Requirements:

  • ​Article length between 1200-1500 words.
  • Following our style and content guidelines when you write.
  • Coming up with your own articles (subject to approval) to write, with images, research and links to other relevant blog posts on our site.
  • Meeting deadlines - research, collecting info and writing all take time, but we like people who meet deadlines once they are set.

We strongly value writers who can bring a unique perspective to our website. You should be able to write and produce high-quality, original material in a timely fashion and be able to come up with your own article ideas from pitch to completion. You should have an understanding of the Jobs in Japan audience, what the goals of the website are and how you can contribute to it.

How Do I Apply?

To get started please apply as you would a normal job; however, in the cover letter area, please tell us about yourself, why you want to write for us and what topics you would like to cover. Also include any links to other articles you have written. Compensation is done on a per article basis based on experience. Due to the large numbers of applications, only those writers that we feel are qualified candidates will be contacted.

We are always excited to hear from new writers and look forward to having you join our team!



yaesuguchi kaikan bldg. 1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

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Company Information

Company Profile

Spectrum Consulting Japan ( provides a variety of talent management solutions focusing on providing services to identify people’s skills and how those skills relate to their particular jobs or organizations. Our most well-known brand is... read more about
  • This job has expired!

Contact Us

Tokyo Office
C/O Global Village Media
1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[email protected]