
The World of Anime Enthusiasts: How Otaku went from Stereotypes to Mainstream

The evolution of the term “otaku,” from its origins as a label for passionate anime and manga enthusiasts to its current status as a genuine subculture, has a long history. “Otaku” has transitioned from being associated with negative stereotypes to becoming a common term for the community of fans worldwide.

Things to Do In Autumn in Japan

Autumn in Japan brings with it cooler temperatures and beautiful fall foliage throughout the country. It’s one of the best seasons to enjoy seasonal Japanese foods and the great outdoors. In this article, we look at some of the great things you can do and eat in Japan in autumn.

10 Fun Games You’ll Use Every Class

The nature of teaching in Japan is that you’ll teach each class just once a week, and sometimes less frequently than that. By the time your next class rolls around most students will have forgotten

Living on the tatami!

Tatami is as much a symbol of Japan as samurai. That said, how much do you really know about it? Here, you’ll find out about what tatami is, its place in modern Japan, and what it’s like to live with it as a foreigner.

The Meiji Restoration: Japan’s Journey from Tradition to Modernity

Japan’s Meiji Restoration was a transformative era that thrust the nation from feudal tradition to modernity, marked by the rise of Emperor Meiji, the clash of tradition and progress, and how this period reshaped governance, education, industry, and culture, leaving an undeniable mark on modern Japan.

In the cold winter breeze, a storm brewed, swirling through the narrow alleyways of Edo. The Tokugawa shogunate, the military leader throughout the Edo Period, stood rigid against the growing winds of change. The position’s strength now quivered as discontent cracks splintered the control facade.

Understanding the giri that drives politeness in Japanese society

Have you ever wondered what drives the infamous politeness of Japanese society? Look no further than 義理 giri. Here, you’ll get a full rundown of what 義理 giri is, and how it’ll surely influence your life when you move to Japan.

Unveiling the Enchanting World of Studio Ghibli: Hayao Miyazaki’s Creative Journey

Explore the captivating world of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s creative journey. From his childhood inspirations to the creation of iconic characters like Totoro and No Face, explore Miyazaki’s artistic evolution and discover the magical films that have enchanted audiences and anime enthusiasts globally.

5 Ways To Instantly Make Your Life Easier In Japan

Looking for ways to instantly improve your life in Japan? Or are you looking to move here and want a head start on making things comfortable? Look no further. In this article, I’ll give 5 of my best tips to make life here far better!

Why You Should Visit Miyazaki Prefecture

One of Japan’s lesser known prefectures, Miyazaki has a lot to offer anyone looking for something a little out of the ordinary. In this article, we look at some of the things that make Miyazaki prefecture an appealing place to visit.