【React】Frontend Application Engineer VISA support available JLPT N2 UP or Chinese Welcome


Job Overview

  • Employer Type Recruiter / Dispatch / Temp Agency
  • Industry Information Technology
  • Salary ¥4,200,000 - ¥6,500,000 / Year
  • English Level Conversational Level
  • Japanese Level Business Level
  • Other Languages Chinese speaker welcome
  • Restricted to Domestic Applicants? Japan only
  • Visa Sponsorship Yes

Job Requirements

*Someone with JLPT Level 2 Japanese language ability or higher(MUST be able to adequately communicate in the workplace and understand work responsibilities in Japanese)

*This position requires the person to currently be living in Japan.


Required skills

・Experience in front-end development of web application
・Over 1 year of development experience in JavaScript
・Over 1 year of development experience in React


Welcome skills

・Over 3 years of experience in front-end development of web applications
・Development experience in jQuery
・Familiarity with AWS


Desired profile

・Those interested in the medical and IT fields
・Those who have systematically experienced the development process
・Those who want to work on user-first development
・Those who enjoy learning new technologies
・Those who want to take on the challenge of development in the startup phase

Job Description

■Job Description

・Replace existing services developed based on jQuery with React
・Improve existing functions using React
・Develop new functions

■Development Policy

We want to replace the systems of existing services and make them scalable and fast to respond to changes in business and technology. We aim to containerize and develop microservices.


■Development Structure

We use an agile/scrum structure.

After thoroughly defining requirements, we design, develop, test, and release.

The team is divided by function into three teams: the web app team, the mobile app team, and the maintenance and operations team. There is no particular division of development responsibilities, and you can be involved in both existing and new development, and the development planning team assigns development tasks.



Currently, the Development Division has 14 engineers, including 4 contracted engineers. The team is made up of 3-4 people, centered around the team leader.


■Development environment

・Languages: Go, PHP5, JavaScript
・Frameworks: Echo, CakePHP2
・Libraries: jQuery, React
・Version control: Github
・Project management: Backlog
・Operation environment: AWS
・Server monitoring: New Relic, CloudWatch
・Test environment: GithubActions, AWS Amplify
・Communication: Slack (within the department), Chatwork (in-house)


■PC and devices

・Necessary devices provided
・OS can be selected (Windows/Mac)
・Model can be discussed


■Work environment

・Daily work hours can be selected.
・Remote work is used in some teams.
・Staggered work hours are used.
・Dinner parties are subsidized to stimulate internal communication.


■Attractiveness of the job

・Rewarding/highly socially beneficial business

We provide a system that connects the dental industry, which has a strong impression of being analog, anywhere via the cloud.

You can actually visit dental clinics, reflect customer feedback, and have fun developing while creating industry standards.

・An environment where you can grow and a flexible career path


Everyone can explore together, improve issues and implement measures repeatedly, and gain experience.


We also hold frequent in-house study sessions, and it is an environment where you can pursue a flexible career path according to your inclinations.

・A comfortable working culture


We value personality, and since we often collaborate with other departments, we value harmony. You can contribute to the medical industry in a fair environment where age, gender, nationality, etc. are not important.


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Company Information

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Contact Us

Tokyo Office
C/O Global Village Media
1-7-20-B2 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[email protected]