How to Japan

How to register for a Japan organ donor card

In Japan, there are approximately 15,000 people on the waiting list for organ transplants. In contrast, only about 400 people receive transplants each year. There are many reasons for this shortage; cultural attitudes, and religion, among many others. As a resident of Japan you could, if you feel compelled, register your consent as an organ donor. You will also receive a card in the mail that indicates your registered consent.

While the donor card would more accurately be translated as 臓器提供意思登録ぞうきていきょう いしとうろくカード (zōki teikyō ishi tōroku kādo) – Organ Donation Intention Registration Card; for brevity, it will be referred to as an organ donor card.

How to obtain a donor card

Getting a donor card is quick and easy. It involves two major steps:

  • Registering your intention as an organ donor online by creating an online account
  • Linking your physical donor card number to your online donor account

To get started first register online at

Click on the 仮登録かりとうろくをする (make a provisional registration) button on the “Organ Donation Intention Registration” page.

Read the 臓器提供意思登録ぞうきていきょういしとうろくについて (About Organ Donation Intention Registration) page and the プライバシーポリシー (Privacy Policy) page, and if you agree with them, click the 同意どういする (Agree) button on each page.

Next, choose the option that fits your intended consent.

脳死後及び心臓が停止した死後のいずれでも臓器を提供 If you are willing to donate your organs either after brain death or after death when the heart has stopped.
心臓が停止した死後は臓器を提供 If you do not wish to donate organs after brain death, but are willing to donate organs after cardiac arrest.
臓器を提供したくない If you do not wish to donate your organs.

If you selected options 1 or 2, you can select any organs you do not wish to donate. If there is an organ you do not want to donate, click the pull-down menu and select the “X”.

心臓しんぞう – heart
はい – lungs
肝臓かんぞう – liver
腎臓じんぞう – kidney
膵臓すいぞう – pancreas
小腸しょうちょう – small intestine
眼球がんきゅう – eyes

Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk on the registration information entry screen. The address you input here will be used to send the donor card through the mail. Remember the password you set here as it will need to be used to complete your registration of consent.

Click the 次へ (next) button.

Those who have checked the “Organ Donation” option can choose to give priority to relatives for organ donation. If certain requirements are met, priority will be given to relatives.

If you do not wish to give priority organ donation to relatives, click the 現在げんざい入力内容にゅうりょくないよう意思登録いしとうろくする (register your intention with the current information) button.

If you wish to give priority to relatives, please click the 注意事項ちゅういじこうむ (read the notes) button. After reading, click the 同意どうい (agree) button to continue.

This page allows you to review the information you have entered up to this point. If there are any mistakes in the information you have entered, click the 戻る (back) button to correct them. If there are no mistakes, click the 次へ (next) button to proceed to the completion page.

You will receive your registration card in the mail in about 10 days. Be sure to complete the online registration when you receive your organ donor card. A temporary registration alone will not be accepted as legally valid.

As soon as you receive your organ donor card, complete the registration by entering the ID shown on the card you received and the password you set during the provisional registration:

Go to the 本登録ほんとうろくをする (register now) page here:

The donor card will have an ID number on the back starting with the letter “T”. Enter that number in the ID field and enter the password you set during the temporary registration in the password field. Click the 本登録ほんとうろく (register) button to complete your registration!

It’s not uncommon that a successful transplant has the potential to add +5 years of life expectancy to an otherwise terminal patient. Organ transplantation is something that cannot be performed without the good faith of strangers. All the best.

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