Working in Japan

Can English Teachers in Japan Start Teaching Technology Skills Without Being Coders? Yes, You Can!

Japan is WAY behind the times in computer literacy, even among young children who seem to be permanently attached to a smartphone.

In fact, Japan ranked dead last in a survey of 20 OECD countries on basic computer literacy skills like formatting a word document or understanding an excel spreadsheet. A survey of people aged 16-65 showed that almost 40% of Japanese people couldn’t use a computer at all. Many schools are scrambling to figure out how to teach computer skills when many of their teachers don’t know how to use computers themselves.

Thousands of schools who are looking to implement the teaching of technology skills in their classrooms in Japan, including in English classrooms, since there is so much information and training available online in English to teach 21st century skills. How can they go about teaching coding principles, critical thinking, problem solving, the basis of algorithms, basic robotics, loops and so on in a fun and engaging way?

Many schools ask:

  • Who can teach this if the teachers aren’t qualified or competent?
  • Who can design the curriculum?
  • Who can train our teachers?

The answer is very easy. You can!

Technology and English language are intrinsically linked due to the history of technological development. In its most basic sense, coding is translating logical actions into a language that a computer will understand, and with so many coding languages using English commands, who better to teach the fundamentals of coding than professionals who are already experienced in teaching language?

We have teamed up with Robotify to offer you this opportunity to further your skills and career. Learn to teach computational thinking using virtual robots; including drones, underwater vehicles and even a Mars Rover, to teach valuable skills (through English) right here in Japan.

Step One – Get Qualified for FREE

The Robotify Educator Fundamentals Certification Course takes 90-120 minutes and is FREE until the end of July. Once complete, you can download your certificate which you can use in your resume and attach to your LinkedIn profile. It’s as easy as that!

Click HERE to sign up before the end of July.

So what is Robotify?

This completely browser based software contains over 100 hours of computation thinking, logical thinking and robotics exercises to teach the basics of coding and computational thinking. There is a thought-out curriculum that builds on fundamental principles, and is aligned to CSTA standards. It includes a teacher analytics dashboard and lesson plans, curriculum mapping and software guides help teachers in the classroom, so you don’t have to waste time planning and hoping your lesson will work – it has already been tested and proven!

Who is the software for?

The main target is younger children in order to make teaching basic logic and coding skills a part of their education from a young age. Children aged 5 to 12 years old will love the puzzles and problem solving they get to do to make drones fly and artificial intelligences respond to their environments. It is a wholly online web-based platform, so it is compatible with tablets and PCs, so the barrier to entry is a gadget that most children in Japan have access to.

How to get your students enrolled:

If you are a school, a teacher or even an individual looking to use Robotify in your classroom or teaching environment, go to THIS website and enter code “jobsinjapan” to get 15% discount. Offer ends 31st August 2021.

Peter Lackner is the Managing Partner at and has had management-level positions at major job boards in Japan including:, GaijinPot, CareerEngine and currently the managing partner at

Running a job board gives Peter the opportunity to speak with employers and job seekers every day and find out why some are successful and others are not. Speaking to both employers and job seekers has given Peter the ability to be able to see both sides of the hiring process. This is why exists - to help job seekers find the jobs they want and employers to find the candidates they need.

Peter is active in the ETJ (English Teachers in Japan organization), a member of JALT’s School Owners SIG and currently on the Executive Board of the Tokyo Association of International Preschools.

You can often find Peter speaking to groups on how to get a new or better job, and to employers on how to avoid making a bad hire.

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