
The Future of English Teaching in Japan | Join The Conversation at EFL Japan Summit

EFL Japan Summit is happening! We’re in Tokyo on Feb 26th, Nagoya on March 5th, and Osaka March 12th with talks and seminars from industry leading teachers and businesses.

Cultural differences of raising a child in Japan

We love living in Japan, but I don’t think there will ever be a time when we don’t stop and think “Blimey, this is weird”.

Do You Know Who Is On The Japanese Banknotes?

Last year we took a look at the symbolism and aesthetics of Japanese currency, staring with their coins, and now it’s time to do the same for their bills. From famous authors to Mount Fuji, there’s a lot to learn about from Japanese banknotes.

Step by step guide on how to apply for graduate school in Japan

Are you thinking about coming to Japan for graduate school but are have no clue where to even begin with applying? It may seem very difficult to apply to Japan, but in this article I would like to explain the process you may have to go through.

Why so few children get adopted in Japan

Only 693 children were adopted in Japan last year. That’s a little over 1% of the children living in Japan’s orphanages and institutions. Every child deserves a home, a family, and a future. So why isn’t that happening?

Get Connections and Better Jobs by Joining TAIP

The Tokyo Association of International Preschools (TAIP) is an organization of schools, teachers and services that aim to serve the needs of the early childhood education community in Japan. They have more than fifty member

How do you write for a Japanese audience

In Japan, it feels like we constantly have to be writing for some paperwork or another. However, as you sit down to begin writing, there may be many questions immediately coming to mind. Is this article I would like to discuss a few different things to keep in mind while writing to a Japanese audience.

4 Ways to Make Your Japanese Sound More Native

Want to make your Japanese sound more like a native speaker and less like a textbook? Here are my 4 best tips for making that happen.